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It's Our Turn
Capital Campaign

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The It's Our Turn Capital Campaign was initiated in 2000 to provide much-needed repairs and improvements to the physical fabric of the First Parish and to provide resources for enhancing our worship experience, religious education, and community activities. After a needs study, an engineering assessment by the Hardenburgh Partnership, and a feasibility study, the campaign began officially in January 2000 with a goal of $1.2 million. With many generous early donations, we were able to begin repairs in the summer of 2000. We soon learned, however, that contractor costs are higher than at the time of our original estimates.

We have been fortunate to have raised $1.5 million, which means that all of the projects identified by our engineers as "must do's" were done.

The work was guided by the project manager, James Maynard, under the supervision of the Capital Repairs Committee: Peter Taylor, Imogene Fish, and Mary Menino, with the advice of several consultants including Ellen Touart-Grob. All work was concluded during 2002-2003 church year.

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