First Parish Church in Weston

Church School Outreach Projects

Outreach is a fundamental part of our Church School experience, the goal being to provide tools for a lifetime of service. Children learn more about community through age-appropriate "hands-on" service projects, moving from helping one's family to the concept of global citizenship. In addition, we invite children to contribute to the offering collected during Chapel worship and to help decide how the money is to be spent.

Some projects we have worked on:


All-Parish, All-Ages Energy Efficiency "Barnraising" – Come help a family in Waltham make their home more energy efficient by caulking window frames, installing door sweeps, putting in new light bulbs and power strips, and much more! No experience needed – learn from an experienced team leader and perhaps find things that will help your own home in the process!

Habitat logo
All-Parish work day for Habitat for Humanity's affordable housing project in Wayland
Bristol Lodge Mitten Tree
Mitten Tree Christmas gift drive for families served by Second Step, an organization that works to protect those affected by domestic violence.
Loading food for COA
Thanksgiving Food Ingathering for Weston COA Food Pantry located at the Weston Community Center (Nov. 22)
Angell logo
Pet craft items for Waltham's Angell Animal Medical Center during "Winter Wonders' Hogwarts Academy workshops
Meal prep and children's gift bags and/or activities for residents of the UU Urban Ministry's Renewal House shelter in Roxbury for victims of domestic abuse
Outdoor Church logo
Toiletries collection and preparation of lunches for homeless adults attending worship services at The Outdoor Church of Cambridge
UU Partner Church logo
Pen pal writing and Bible story sharing with Sunday School children from our UU Partner Church in Torda, Transylvania in Romania
Bristol Lodge Supper prep Dinner prep for clients of Waltham's Bristol Lodge Soup Kitchen
(any fourth Wednesday of every month – contact Mary Menino if interested in more information)

Hosting an Ice Cream Social fundraiser for Heifer International to provide gifts of living farm animals that produce a long-term source of food and income for schools, health care, and better housing


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Created: Sep 25, 2000   |   Modified: Aug. 280, 2017

Church School

Our Philosophy

Infants - Kindergarten

Grades 1-4

Grades 5-6

Grades 7-8

Church School Calendar

C.S Outreach Projects
